Reciprocal reading is a way of sharing the reading, thinking and talking to make sure you can understand and enjoy different books.

We are learning about the role grammatical choices, punctuation, rich vocabulary, and text structure influence both an author and a reader.
When I am a guide, I can help my group think about interesting vocabulary in the book we are reading together.
When I am a clarifier, I can help my group think about the meaning and purpose of key vocabulary.
When I am a summariser, I can use interesting vocabulary in the book to help summarise (give a snapshot) the main events in the text.
When I am a predictor, I can use the author’s use interesting vocabulary to help inform my predictions.

WHAT DO I NEED TO DO? You must organise the group and its resources. Introduce the text. Make sure everyone is joining in as you read and discuss the text. Be fair and polite.

WHAT DO I NEED TO DO? You can help people share ideas so that they can understand any confusing words, sentences, ideas or events in the text. Look for clues to make these clearer and help the group understand what is happening.

WHAT DO I NEED TO DO? You can offer guesses about what the author will tell the group next, or, you might suggest what the following events in the story will be.

WHAT DO I NEED TO DO? You can help your group keep track of ideas, by talking about the main characters, settings and events.